Title: Trust Me (1/?) Pairing/Characters: Robin x Vivi Disclaimer: Does not belong to me. Notes: This is part one of a post-series fic. For 30_quills. #2, I just want to flee from this nightmare and never return.
Title: The Storm Pairing/Characters: Nami Disclaimer: Does not belong to me. Notes: For cheetahgurl, for a lyric challenge. Lyrics from "You're the Storm" by The Cardigans.
Had some stray fics and ones on my personal LJ and the whole reason I made this journal was to keep everything in one place. So here is a whole lot of random. o_O
Title: Denial Fandom: One Piece Characters: Luffy/Usopp, mentions of Usopp/Kaya Notes: Written for onepieceyaoi100 for the "First Kisses" challenge. Disclaimer: Does not belong to me.
Title: No Side Characters: Smoker, Tashigi, Ace, various others Disclaimer: Does not belong to me.
Notes: I started posting this fic at ff.net, but I've decided not to use ff.net anymore. I'll link to the first two chapters there, but from this chapter on I'll be posting this fic on LJ.
Title: Evening Pairing/Characters: Luffy, Nami, Sanji Rating: G Notes: Written for onepieceyaoi100 but it doesn't count for it is not yaoi. But I wrote it with the challenge "Hidden Talents" in mind. Disclaimer: Does not belong to me.